Parsons Green Garden
Completed in July 2019, the brief for this compact London garden was to maximise the space, create some privacy, and work with a bronze sculpture which had already been commissioned. The house was undergoing major renovations, and so collaboration was intrinsic between architects and contractors.

The architects had designed floor to ceiling windows at the apex of the kitchen so that the beautiful Michael Speller bronze sculpture could be seen from the inside, and a planting bed was placed here to anchor the sculpture and link the house with the garden. Ornamental grasses offer movement and soft texture.
The original garden (left)

Steps were included to provide a focal point, introduce a change of level, and avoid a possible sense of confinement.
Existing walls were rendered and painted. Slatted trellis was installed to provide privacy whilst allowing a degree of transparency. Bespoke planters were commissioned to surround the comfortable seating area, and the evergreen jasmine climber Trachelospermum jasminoides was planted to offer pretty flowers and beautiful scent through the summer.

A Rivelin Fire table was included in the scheme to provide a focal point, sustain warmth, and prolong the season.
Pale sawn sandstone was used to reflect light and provide a contemporary feel.
Lighting was installed to emphasise key features and expand the extent of the house in the evening.