Shamley Green Garden
In 2018 I undertook a masterplan for a substantial 10 acre garden just outside Guildford, Surrey. The clients wanted to incorporate a large pond as well as tennis court, pool, productive garden with greenhouse, orchard and a large entertaining space. They also wanted to make better use of the west facing part of the garden.

The proposed scheme defines and unifies the distinct areas of the garden. The rear terrace has been increased to allow for a generous outdoor kitchen, dining area, and include multiple seating places to take advantage of the sun at different periods of the day.
Garden Masterplan (left)
Detailed Area (below)

Pleached trees and planting now give the pool area a sense of enclosure and shelter. As well as a practical solution to changing and showering, the pool house provides a focal point.
Perpendicular to the pool is a productive and cutting garden, generously proportioned and including a greenhouse. This area is enclosed by evergreen hedging for shelter from wind, and protection from wildlife. A path leads from this to a seating area with elevated panoramic views across the meadow, orchard, and pond towards the woods.

To the west, a formal garden and terraces have been created to take advantage of the afternoon sun, and improve the aspect on this side of the house. The formal gardens are linked by a series of pathways to give direct access to the tennis court and woods, but also to allow for a journey to be taken through the space. Focal points lead the eye down the three main pathways, the two outer ones flanked by Red Horse Chestnut trees. The curved paths follow the undulations through the design, and give the opportunity to walk through the planting borders, and enjoy the scents, colour and movement of the lake, rose garden, and ornamental grass borders.

The ornamental grasses border provides fluidity and transparency to the composition, punc- tuated by Yew bastions.
The rose garden consisting of Hybrid Musk and Bourbon roses provides colour and scent over a prolonged period, and the adjacent canal provides a reflective pool to set them off.
The pond has been enlarged in proportion with the scale of the 10 acre site, and re-orientated so that it draws the eye across the garden to the far southern boundary. Decking and seating furnish a quiet place to reflect, or a further space to entertain and enjoy a G & T. Planting of existing shrubs such as Cornus has been increased, Willow trees repeated, and numerous aquatic and marginal plants have been added.

The tennis court has been moved, located beyond the formal gardens and positioned 22 degrees off true north to maximise its orientation for best play. A pavilion and seating provide necessary facilities, and shelter when required.
A circular driveway has been introduced to give the appropriate sense of arrival to the front of the house, with ample parking for guests.
A series of pathways, whether mown, paved or hoggin, unify the different areas of the garden, and the repetition of planting and other elements give continuity and flow.